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2019/20 Impact Report

Our vision is a world in which women and men everywhere can lead dignified, healthy, and secure lives as they grow older. Our Impact Report shows how we worked to reach this goal in 2019/20.


The report demonstrates how our beliefs about the rights and needs of older people translated into work with a positive, widespread impact on the lives of older people in 2019/20. 

It describes how and where we spend our funding, as well as our achievements, humanitarian relief work and other key development programmes throughout the year. 

Key achievements

With the support of Age International and our partners across the HelpAge International network, the lives of millions of older people have been improved in 2019/20.

"I have the income I need"

1.28 million older people in six countries received a social pension for the first time.

38,000 older people (63% women) across nine countries had their financial and food security protected and supported through our humanitarian and disaster risk reduction programmes.

£4.88 billion+ was paid to older people in the 18 countries where HelpAge has actively worked on social pensions over the past five years, representing a year-on-year increase of £202 million.

“I am safe and secure,free from all forms of discrimination, violence and abuse”

183,000 older people (60% women) received humanitarian aid in 30 countries.

45,404 people across nine countries took part in disaster preparedness work or training.

Five national policies were introduced in Kenya, Kyrgyzstan and Tanzania to protect older people from violence and abuse.

56 partners in 15 countries enabled almost 431,500 older people to access information about laws and support services
relating to violence and abuse.

“I enjoy the best health care and quality of life”

225,784 older people in 17 countries received better health and care services or support as a result of our work with our partners – the majority of whom were older women (62%).

3.1 million older people benefitted from new or revised government health and care policies.

51,500 older people (63% women) in 11 countries had their health, care and nutrition requirements provided for and protected during humanitarian crises, through emergency responses and disaster risk reduction.

“My voice is heard”

254,000 people were mobilised to campaign for better policies and practice for older people in 30 countries.

2,817 Older People’s Associations in 16 countries monitored the delivery of social pensions, health services and other entitlements.

1.5 million older people in five countries adopted age friendly policies and programmes in response to the Sustainable Development Goals and international humanitarian law.

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Last updated: Sep 13 2024

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